Manufacturing meets smart design and digitalization: MESO is now part of the Future Factory network. Together with our partners, we will explore new solutions for industrial production processes.
NOTUI: David’s crazy flexible open source 3d ui library
To advance the state of art in user interfaces we created an easy to use 3d UI library, written entirely in C#. And tidily wrapped for our favorite rapid development tool vvvv. NOTUI is a behavior package and robust skeleton for UI elements by David Morasz. More info here:
Deborah Krieg vice director of Bildungsstätte Anne Frank giving insights on the upcoming exhibition. We are contributing digital exhibits and a mobile interactive layer allowing participants to engage in social experiments. The learning lab is opening on June, 12th.
MoAgris: TImon's Modular Agriculture System on Hackaday
MoAgriS is an indoor agriculture system that allows growing food crops and other plants in small spaces for very little money. The set up lets you cultivate plants that are normally not suited as indoor plants. Support Timon's project by liking it on Hackaday.